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department of industry中文是什么意思

用"department of industry"造句"department of industry"怎么读"department of industry" in a sentence


  • 工业部


  • As one of practical methods of non - destructive testing ( ndt ) , ultrasonic testing is widely used in various departments of industry
  • Ferromagnetism pipeline have been used in many department of industry . the accidents often appear in the late of their service period
  • The relevant competent departments of industries and the producers and operators shall offer assistance in the assessment work of the price administration departments
  • The administrative departments of industry and commerce , public security and public health shall punish the violations of relevant provisions hereunder as authorized and prescribed
  • The administrative department of industry and commerce is the competent authorities in charge of the advertising business of this municipality and the comprehensive coordinator for the administration of outdoor advertisements
  • The australian department of industry , tourism and resources is using adobe software to deliver , transact , and capture information between australian businesses and government
    为了创建一个一站式的在线政府展示, cham district administrative office和livingdata开发了一套基于adobe intelligent document platform的电子表单解决方案。
  • All the administrative departments of industry and commerce , public security , taxation and auditing shall join efforts with physical cultural administrative departments in implementing these procedures according to their respective functions
  • Article 14 the administrative departments of industry and commerce of all levels shall strengthen the protection of famous trademarks , and shall transfer the suspected cases of crimes of counterfeit trademark to the relevant departments in time
  • The administrative department of industry and commerce is the competent authorities in charge of the advertising business of this municipality and the comprehensive coordinator for the administration of outdoor advertisements
  • Article 21 upon its approval of setting up , a branch of a commercial bank should get a license from the people ' s bank of china and register itself with the license with the department of industry and commerce to get the business license
  • 更多例句:  1  2  3
用"department of industry"造句  


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